Dr. Darcy Lilley helps leaders reduce employee turnover, improve team communication, and create a positive work environment through leadership and team development opportunities.
Dr. Lilley is a life-long learner. She has a passion for learning and growth, both for herself and in helping others.
From serving her country for 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, to being the Chief Learning Officer for an organization of over 100,000 people, to being the Director of Operations for a national non-profit organization teaching leadership and communication skills, Dr. Lilley stays on the leading edge using education technology from every angle.
Her curiosity and adventurous nature combined with her passion for positive leadership and engaging learners shines through in the learning experiences she creates. She knows how to effectively incorporate technology into instructional system design and the importance of keeping ethics at the forefront as technology advances.
Dr. Lilley incorporates key lessons in desktop publishing and graphic design as well as videoconferencing as she highlights her generational learning expertise.
She combines her doctorate in instructional leadership, masters degree in human resource development, and masters degree in education technology with her extensive training and facilitation expertise to create engaging training workshops.

Leadership Philosophy
I am passionate about positive leadership and teaching leaders how to create a culture where employees are engaged and excited to come to work.
I believe each person adds value to the team and can contribute near their full potential if the work environment is positive and safe. It is the leader’s responsibility to create an environment where all employees are inspired and know they are appreciated. Each person has the responsibility to maintain a high work ethic, positive attitude, and stay engaged at work.
We learn from each other. Emotional intelligence skills are very important to our success. Listening is the most helpful thing we can do for each other.
We all have a responsibility to continue to learn and grow. Learning should be fun and challenging.
Every day I give my all and do my best. I expect no less from those in my span of care.